Thursday, March 21, 2013

Toasted Egg and Peanut Butter Sandwich

Random group of ingredients, I know. But take my word for it, this is delicious

Ezekiel Bread is a low-GI carbohydrate source. The egg, and peanut butter provide a bit of protein. This is a great meal or snack for any time of the day.



Ingredients (makes one sandwich)

  • two slices Ezekiel bread
  • 1 egg
  • olive oil or cooking spray
  • 1/2 - 1 tablespoon peanut butter

Cooking Hardware/Utensils Needed

  • Toaster/Toaster Oven
  • Skillet/Pa
  • Spatula
  • Butter knife


  • Insert bread into toaster/toaster oven and, well...toast it 
  • While bread is getting its toast on, add just enough olive oil or cooking spray to coat your skillet/cooking pan. Turn on low heat. Once cooking surface is heated, crack egg and fry over-easy.

  • After bread finishes toasting, add peanut butter to one slice: 
  •  Once the egg finishes frying, toss it on the other slice of bread
  • Combine slices of toast and boom! Sandwich is ready

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