Sunday, March 3, 2013


My name is Alex. I am pursuing my PharmD/MBA at the University of Kentucky. I also have a big interest in eating healthy, lifting weights, and, in general, treating my body how it deserves to be treated.

Humans are meant to move and be physically active. You are able to read this blog today because your ancestors ran, climbed, sprinted, and fought like their lives depended on it- because they did. It has never been easier to acquire food, but our bodies have not evolved to thrive with a sedentary lifestyle where hunting is no longer a necessity. At the same time, eating has become a social ritual rather than a means of survival. The combination of physical inactivity and living to eat (rather than eating to live) plays a large role in the ever-increasing obesity rates across the globe.

I eat healthy, lift weights, and run because it makes me feel awesome. No food tastes as good as walking around in a lean body feels. Want to stop being sick so often, have more self-confidence and decrease the risk of developing killer diseases, all at once? Take care of yourself and your likelihood of living a healthy fulfilling life will increase.

I feel confident in my knowledge of healthy (and unhealthy) foods. I am also a pretty damn good cook, and I know how to fit healthy eating into a busy schedule. It MUST become a priority, but investing in yourself and your health is the best investment you can make.

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