Thursday, June 5, 2014

How To Season Chicken In Two Minutes

Summer time means many things to many people. To the food-obsessed, summer exists to grill (unless you're like me and stuck in an apartment). Here's a quick way to season chicken for the grill (or any cooking appliance) without making a mess.

Step 1 - Get an empty tupperware container

Step 2- Get your seasonings of choice

I like garlic, onion powder, oregano, paprika, red pepper, black pepper, and salt. Experiment with different combinations to find out what your taste buds prefer.

Step 3 - Season the tupperware

Lay down a base of seasoning on the bottom of the tupperware.

Step 4 - Apply chicken

Step 5 - Season chicken

Apply the same seasonings from Step 3 to the top of the chicken. Then put the lid on the container and...

Step 6 - Shake it like a Polaroid picture

Actually, make sure you grab the container with two hands. Unless you want your kitchen covered in chicken and pepper.

Step 7 - Finished product

You now have seasoned chicken ready to be cooked to your preference - grill it, bake it, stir-fry it, eat it raw (don't actually do that).

This whole process takes two minutes, TOPS, once you're acquainted with your spice rack. Enjoy!

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