Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Overcome "That Voice"

"This bed is just so comfortable.."

"Just five more minutes. I'll get up the next time snooze goes off, really!"

"I've already overslept 30 minutes. What's another 5 going to harm?" 

We all know "that voice". 

Listen to this corgi instead

"That voice" tells you to hit snooze; just five more minutes this time. "That voice" tells you to stay on the couch, because you've had a long day and can go to the gym tomorrow. "That voice" tells you learning to cook is a waste of time because you'll never become Guy Fieri (or even Guy Fieri's distant cousin, Bro Fieri) so why bother? "That voice" is one of the most underrated, insidious, treacherous villains around. Why? Because "that voice" is internal.

The best way to defeat "that voice" is through action. Verbs. Doing. Remember the Nike "Just Do It" ads?

Want to get up at 5:30am to get to the gym before your busy day hits? Just do it.

Want to learn to cook a killer salmon with sides that would make KFC green with envy? Just do it.

Want to build up the stamina to run a 5K? Just do it.

Whatever it is you want (or need) to do, STOP THINKING AND JUST DO IT.

Whatever your fitness goals may be - whether it's a starting step like walking 1 mile every day, or something more advanced, like reaching 6% body fat - there are no shortcuts or magic bullets. As far as science and technology have come, there is still no replacement for blood, sweat, tears, and hard work. It's a cruel irony that our ancestors had to run for food, and now we must run from it. But that's life.

The good news is that the more you tell "that voice" to shove it, the easier it becomes, the quieter "that voice" gets, and the stronger YOU become mentally. You'll soon discover you have the willpower to accomplish anything you set your mind to, as "that voice" of negativity and darkness is replaced by a calm, cool confidence, leading you to the accomplishments you've dreamed of, and beyond.

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