Monday, April 29, 2013

Preparing a Week's Worth of Salad

Every Saturday or Sunday, I set aside a few hours to prepare all my food for the week- washing and seasoning meat, cutting vegetables, etc. The majority of this time goes towards preparing a big-ass bowl of salad that lasts me through the week and makes throwing together a quick healthy salad a breeze.

The great thing about this is its very easy to edit and rotate what foods you include, making it very easy to add variety week after week. I'll include the ingredient list I use to make my "go-to" version


  • One (1) bunch kale or other green leafy vegetable
  • One (1) head romaine lettuce
  • 2 bell peppers, color of choice
  •  One-two (1-2) onions, color of choice
  • shredded carrots
  • cheese crumbles (I use feta)
  • grape tomatoes
  • garlic croutons

  1.  Cut the stem (white portion) off the romaine lettuce
  2. Set a leaf of lettuce on the cutting board. Cut length-wise along the stem on both sides, and cut the top portion to remove the stem from the leaves. 
  3. Fold the lettuce onto itself, and cut sideways along the length of the lettuce leaf, as shown. Place in salad spinner or some other sort of container to wash and rinse the lettuce.
  4. Repeat until all lettuce is cut. To reduce time, leaves of similar sizes and stems can be stacked and cut together.
  5. Dry lettuce using salad spinner. If you don't have a salad spinner, pat dry with paper towels, or let air dry. Place cut romaine lettuce in large container
  6. Next, take your kale (or whatever other green you are using) and cut it into similar-size pieces. Wash, rinse, dry, and place in the giant salad bowl. You should now have romaine lettuce and kale leaves mixed together.
  7. Take a bell pepper, and cut along the top in a circle to remove the stem. Next, slice down the middle to halve the pepper. Cut and remove white portions, and cut into strips. Dice into small squares, and place in the bowl. Repeat for the other bell pepper.
  8. Dice/cut onion into whichever shape you prefer. I used crescents here but any shape/cut will do. Repeat if using a second onion
  9. Next, toss in your shredded carrots
  10. Add the grape tomatoes and croutons
  11. Sprinkle crumbled cheese on top
  12. Close the lid on the large container, and shake around to distribute ingredients evenly. Refrigerate and enjoy!
    This will hold in the fridge for 5-7 days, depending on your temperature settings. This is the easiest way I've found to get in large servings of greens every day.
If you are stressed for time, this can also be done with pre-cut bags of lettuce and veggies. This is typically what I do during the school year when I've got exams coming up, or I'm just simply pressed for time.